At CES 2024, Infinix will unveil AirCharge and Extreme-Temp Battery Technologies

AirCharge and Extreme-Temp Battery are two innovations that Infinix plans to introduce at the next Consumer Electronics Show 2024 (CES). With Infinix’s innovative AirCharge technology, customers can charge their smart devices wirelessly without requiring wires or direct contact with the charging pad. It can wirelessly charge devices up to 20 centimeters away and up to 60 degrees in an angle deviation at low frequencies. The Chinese electronics industry created the Extreme-Temp Battery, which uses fusion solid-state technology on the electrodes and biomimetic electrolytes to function in freezing climates. It states that performance can be guaranteed down to 40 degrees Celsius.

Infinix released a press release announcing that the new AirCharge and Extreme-Temp Battery technologies will be showcased at the ShowStoppers event during CES 2024. According to the brand, AirCharge technology represents a significant advancement in wireless charging. Utilizing an adaptive algorithm and multi-coil magnetic resonance technology enables users to charge their intelligent gadgets without requiring wires or direct physical contact with the charging pad. This feature would be useful for charging gadgets while viewing videos and playing mobile games.

According to reports, AirCharge technology functions even when the transmit and receiving coils are slanted up to 60 degrees, permitting charging at a distance of 0 to 20 centimeters. It provides up to 7.5W of charging power and runs below 6.78MHz. An Over Voltage Protection (OVP) circuit and end-to-end resonance are installed for safety.

Furthermore, Infinix hopes to use its Extreme-Temp Battery technology to address the lithium-ion freezing problems in scorching and cold temperatures. The company claims that by combining fusion solid-state technology and biomimetic electrolytes on the electrodes, the battery will function effectively even at temperatures as low as 40 degrees Celsius. As the Extreme-Temp Battery has a charging temperature range of 100 degrees Celsius (-40 °C–60°C), it is claimed to work effectively in freezing climates.

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