How to recognize a silent heart attack: Four warning signs you should never ignore

If you’ve ever watched a movie where an actor suffers a heart attack, you’ve undoubtedly seen them grip their chest, roll their eyes back, and moan in agony before collapsing to the ground. An actual heart attack can differ from a Hollywood one, in any case.

The agony you feel after a heart attack could not even be that severe. It might be far less painful. As you know, dial 9-1-1 as soon as possible if you’re experiencing a heart attack. However, it can be misleading if you do not have the classic telltale indication of abrupt chest pain that most people are familiar with. We refer to this as a silent heart attack. It implies that you are unaware that you have one. However, it remains risky and perhaps fatal.

A silent heart attack: what is it?

Similar to any other heart attack, a silent heart attack can be equally harmful. For your heart to work, your blood must be rich in oxygen. The blood flow to the heart might be severely or stopped if plaque of fat, cholesterol, and other materials accumulates in the arteries.

The more damage is done to your heart, the longer it is without blood flow. Silent heart attacks can be quite damaging since they might go undiscovered. Additionally, they might be fatal if left untreated.

The good news is that you can get ready by being aware of these four silent heart attack warning signs.

A Silent Heart Attack Has Four Symptoms

1. Fullness, pressure, discomfort, or pain in the chest

Heart attacks can occasionally cause abrupt, severe pain, which makes it simple to identify and need medical attention. What happens, though, when it isn’t?

The majority of heart attacks genuinely only cause moderate chest pain around the middle. You might also experience fullness, squeezing, or pressure. Usually starting slowly, these symptoms can go away and then reappear.

This can get complex because these symptoms could be connected to anything less significant, like heartburn. But your body is the one you know best. You should see a doctor or even go to the emergency department if you believe something is wrong.

2. Uncomfortableness in different bodily parts

Your entire body is affected by a heart attack; its consequences are not limited to your heart. However, this can make recognizing a heart attack difficult.

You may feel pain or discomfort in your Arms (either one or both), Stomach, Neck, Back, and Jaw.

Individual differences may exist in these symptoms. Some patients, for instance, say that the agony in their back after a heart attack feels like a rope being tied around them. There could be an intense pressure on your back as well. Pay attention to any of these less visible heart attack warning signals if you believe you are experiencing any of them.


3. Breathing problems and lightheadedness

It may indicate that your heart isn’t pumping enough blood to the rest of your body if you feel you’ve just finished a marathon but just walked up the stairs. Breathlessness is a frequent symptom of a silent heart attack and can happen with or without chest pain.

Additionally, you can experience lightheadedness or dizziness, and you might even pass out. Although both men and women can share this, women are more likely to do so than men.

Make careful to get checked out if you’re experiencing difficulty with things that weren’t previously challenging, like walking the dog or making the bed. This could be a subtle symptom of a heart attack.


4. Sweating and nausea

Feeling queasy, throwing up, and waking up in a cold sweat can all be markers of a silent heart attack as well as the flu.

You may have experienced the flu before, so you may know what it feels like, but pay attention to your intuition if it signals that these flu-like symptoms are something more serious. These symptoms could be much more severe than the illness, stress, or just feeling under the weather. Don’t write them off as such.




  • A heart attack occurs in the United States every forty seconds.
  • Every year, almost 800,000 Americans suffer a heart attack.
  • In three out of four cases, the heart attack is the first one.
  • You are unaware that you are having a heart attack because 1 in 5 of them are silent.

Recognize the Silent Heart Attack Signs and Don’t Ignore Them

Although it’s crucial to recognize the quiet warning symptoms of a heart attack, doing nothing about them won’t help. If you encounter any or all of the symptoms, contact 9-1-1, even if you’re not sure you’re experiencing a heart attack. Even while these symptoms don’t necessarily indicate a heart attack, it’s still advisable to exercise caution. The sooner you receive emergency care, the better your odds are of surviving a heart attack.

Also, never forget: getting evaluated for heart disease and reducing your risk in other ways, such as maintaining heart-healthy blood pressure and cholesterol, are the best methods to prevent heart attacks in the first place.

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