Musk’s concerns about “woke” AI drive creation of ChatGPT rival

According to The Information, Elon Musk is currently exploring the creation of an alternative to Open AI’s Chat-GPT and has been in talks with AI researchers to establish a new research lab. Musk has expressed concerns about the “woke” mentality in AI and has been vocal about his apprehension towards the “woke mind virus.” Musk has also raised concerns about the potential bias against conservatives in ChatGPT, tweeting that it is a “serious concern.”

In December, he warned that training AI to be “woke” or to lie could have deadly consequences. Recently, Musk shared a meme on Twitter that depicted a “Based AI” dog attacking “Woke AI” and “Closed AI” monsters, with “Based” being a term used to describe those who are anti-woke

Both Microsoft and Google have their own AI chatbots as well.

A new Bing search engine, utilizing Open AI technology, was recently introduced by Microsoft, who is also a financial supporter of Open-AI. Meanwhile, Google is getting ready to launch its own ChatGPT-like tool called Bard.

ChatGPT has ‘shortcomings around bias’

According to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT has limitations when it comes to bias, which is an issue with many other AI technologies as well. Mark Riedl, an associate director of the Georgia Tech Machine Learning Center and computing professor, explains that ChatGPT is designed to avoid politically charged topics and to be mindful of how it answers questions related to marginalized or vulnerable groups of individuals.

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