EXCLUSIVE: Rosneft may sell German assets to Berlin

Representatives from Rosneft (a Russian oil giant) will visit Berlin on Friday to speak with government representatives about a potential sale of the Russian oil giant’s German holdings, among other things, a person familiar with the situation told Reuters.

This is the first gathering since Rosneft, which owns 54.17% of the PCK Schwedt refinery, had its local units placed under trusteeship by Berlin. This kept Rosneft as the legal owner of the stock but removed its power to exercise control.

It also occurred one week after Rosneft launched a lawsuit against the trusteeship at Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court and Shell announced that it was selling its 37.5% share in the refinery, which provides most of Berlin’s fuel, to the British company Prax Group.

The source stated that Philipp Steinberg, the head of the ministry’s economic stabilization and energy security unit, will meet with the group to discuss options, including selling Rosneft’s interest.

“It will be an exchange of positions of possibilities and … there will certainly be no concrete decision on a solution on Friday,” the source added.

An economy ministry representative opted to refrain from responding.

Rosneft did not immediately answer an inquiry for comments.

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