Preeta Sinha: Advancing Veganism, Improving Quality of life and Environment to Save Planet

One Green Planet is a conscious lifestyle brand founded by Indian immigrant and shepreneur Preeta Sinha. She set the standard with her website and produced today’s largest plant-based recipe app, the Food Monster App (illustrated in Fast Company), and One Green Planet Greatest, a brand-new cookbook with 75 plant-based dishes. Her daily responsibilities range from managing the company’s general operations and alliances to overseeing editorial direction. Hearst Corporation and NBC Universal previously employed her. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Photography (Urban Wildlife) in Mumbai, India. Preeta Sinha has a strong interest in public health, mindful and compassionate living, and the empowerment of women, minorities, and underrepresented groups.

What’s her story?

In the “Maximum City” of Mumbai, or “Bombay,” as she grew up referring to it, Preeta was reared in a large, lively community of relatives, friends, cousins, aunts, and uncles. There, she witnessed socioeconomic inequality and class segregation, slums, and homelessness coexisting with millionaire mansions. She lived through a period of rapid urbanization that gave rise to the middle class and saw her nation and city go through a complex cultural shift. Nevertheless, the city exuded vitality. Preeta loved the city’s secular roots and marveled at its energy and bustle. She loved the vibrant spice and bazaars, stray dogs, street vendors, religious celebrations, and diversity of languages, cuisines, and nationalities. Preeta would also be negligent if she failed to acknowledge the influence Bombay’s liberal culture, the arts, and movies had on her ambition and character development.

Preeta’s family was instrumental in laying the groundwork for her future endeavors. Her grandfather traveled to the United States to complete his master’s and bachelor’s degrees. Her father did the same, earning a master’s and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M while working here for many years. Preeta’s parents, Dr. Lakhan and Geeta Sinha decided to return to India after he got married, and Preeta was born in Queens, New York. Hence, despite being an American citizen and having been born in the country, she lived her early years and adolescence in India before returning to New York City to complete her college studies in communications and photography.

What sparked Preeta’s business idea?

“I am a female founder of color running an independent media company in a country far away from my family, so my entrepreneurial journey is laced with unique struggles not many can relate to. In addition, I’ve experienced systemic barriers and discrimination that come with being a marginalized group in the United States. Therefore, I’m grateful to several people who genuinely cared for my well-being and offered tangible support–team members who believed in my vision, colleagues who helped shape our mission, and generous partners with their time and resources. Even the people who troubled me have taught me much about perseverance, patience, and resilience and helped me become a better leader and human being,” says Preeta.

“Millions of readers flock to One Green Planet because they care about how their actions impact people, animals, and the planet. I am particularly grateful to them for allowing me to serve this way,” she added. “This principle helped me build One Green Planet. One day at a time. Every day. We’ve never had investors and have grown organically from day one,” ensures Preeta.

When everything stopped due to the pandemic, they were forced to immediately scale back and adapt to a new normal, like many other businesses. So they started again, used what they had, did what they could, and still made pretty hefty strides. They pivoted their content to focus entirely on covering the most critical and current issues facing the nation, like Black Lives Matter and Coronavirus/Public Health, and reported on the nightmarish end of the Trump Presidency and the hopeful entry of the Biden-Harris Administration. It was a way to use their platform and voice to be on the right side of history.

“I had the great privilege of interacting with Senator Kamala Harris and her team during her presidential campaign. Later, that led to working alongside the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign team during the pandemic to bring attention to marginalized and minority communities and businesses through our platform, One Green Planet. It was a proud moment for me personally and professionally,” asserts Preeta.

“We also immediately realized that health was at the forefront of everyone’s mind and that having a robust immune system is our best defense to fight the virus. We re-coded the Food Monster app and made it accessible so people would not have to pay the price to be healthy (when everyone was struggling financially) because access to good, healthy food should be a fundamental human right,” she continues.

“Like most other small businesses, our revenues were significantly impacted as well, so yet again, we used this principle and worked towards creating a new revenue stream by turning our extensive recipe resources into physical cookbooks,” says Preeta.

One Green Planet

One Green Planet is your online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals, and the planet.

One Green Planet’s Largest Vegan Food App – Food Monster

The company for millennials concerned about the Environment, One Green Planet, released the all-vegan cooking app Food Monster. With the Food Monster app, you can easily #EatForThePlanet and have access to thousands of tasty plant-based recipes right in your palm.

“The real war against climate change is being fought on our plates, multiple times a day with every food choice we make. We can significantly reduce our carbon footprint, save valuable water resources, guarantee that people are fed essential crop resources instead of cattle, and offer thousands of species a fighting chance for survival by deciding to eat a more plant-based diet. We can potentially make an enormous positive impact by changing how we eat.” says Preeta.

“The app makes it easy for anyone, regardless of location, income bracket, or dietary preference, to make wholesome recipes using simple ingredients in regular grocery stores. Long gone are the days when tofu and brown rice were the only meatless options available,” said Preeta.

The app boasts over 5000 recipes, making it one of the largest collections of meatless and dairy-free recipes.

“The Food Monster app is a one-of-a-kind vertical mobile platform that will benefit its users and allow brands and experts to connect with their target market in a highly engaged setting – it’s a win-win for all,” added Preeta.

One Green Planet Presents New Offering to Assist Restaurants in Changing Their Menus to Include More Plant-Based Options

In an intriguing new venture, One Green Planet is assisting eateries in rethinking their menus to serve the growing number of customers looking for plant-based options better. Combining the culinary expertise of Celebrity Chef Elijah Brumfield with One Green Planet’s in-depth understanding of the plant-based food sector and consumer trends, the team is assisting restaurants in seizing the opportunity to enter an entirely new market and the future of food.

Successful business leadership depends on her character traits

“My passion gives me purpose, and this purpose has given me superpowers I never knew I had; it’s what fuels my grit, hustle, determination, learning, and growth and helps maintain One Green Planet’s relevance in a crowded space despite the rise of major players and big money,” asserts Preeta.

“Regarding particular characteristics, I am indefatigably optimistic, happy, and hopeful as a human being. I am not scared of hard work; I’m a critical thinker, creative problem solver, and execution-oriented and product-focused leader. I’ve done everything From coding the first One Green Planet website to wireframing our vegan recipe app, Food Monster. I still read/learn from all the content on the site daily (and we publish a lot!). Most recently, I created a scalable system to take our first cookbook to market and plotted the next 12 we have lined up for 2021 and 2022. I thrive on being hands-on and working with my team! There’s no role or task I’m too good to do,” she added.

Addressing to serve our planet

Preeta says that we had long been taught that to live an environmentally conscious lifestyle, we only needed to recycle, reduce, reuse, go paperless/plastic-free, and clean our oceans/beaches. However, something that needed to be added to this critical list was examining what we put on our plates. As we all know by now, the industrial livestock system is at the center of climate change, human rights violations, deforestation, and a future global food crisis. Therefore, limiting our dairy and meat consumption can impact the planet for future generations. This is the problem One Green Planet is committed to solving and the reason behind building the Food Monster app.

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