The rise of artificial intelligence will cause massive economic deflation in the next 25 years, according to OpenAI investor Vinod Khosla

Khosla’s $50 million investment in OpenAI attests to his dedication to influencing AI’s role in the economy in the future.

Billionaire investor Vinod Khosla, who backed OpenAI from the beginning, believes the world economy will dramatically change. According to his most recent observations, during the next 25 years, artificial intelligence (AI) will completely transform businesses and how we quantify and interpret economic development.

Artificial intelligence and economic deflation: In a recent post on X, Vinod Khosla, a key player in OpenAI’s early success, offered his thoughts on the subject. Khosla predicts that there will be a significant deflationary impact over the next 25 years, saying that “AI should be hugely deflationary over twenty-five years.” This forecast suggests a future in which capital becomes a valuable resource, upending current measures like GDP and bringing in an abundance of commodities and services.

Scarcity of money and evolving economic metrics: Khosla’s prediction suggests a need for more capital in the AI-driven economy. Traditional indicators of economic health, like GDP, may become less crucial as AI takes center stage. Khosla stated, “Capital should be scarce for a while; current measures of GDP and the economy will be less relevant, but goods and services should be in great abundance.” This change raises an important question: In this new economic paradigm, what are the appropriate measures to measure and the relevant questions to ask?

The role that Khosla plays in OpenAI

Not merely a dreamer, Vinod Khosla demonstrated action supporting his ideas. In 2019, his venture capital firm made the largest investment in OpenAI’s 15-year history, contributing a whopping $50 million. Khosla says, “The key question is what the right measures and questions are.” This funding demonstrates Khosla’s dedication to creating a future in which artificial intelligence is a key component of economic dynamics.

Dispelling the threats posed by AI

Khosla allayed widespread concerns about artificial intelligence on December 12 at Fortune’s Brainstorm AI conference. In contrast to the dominant narrative that portrays sentient AI as a possible existential danger, Khosla highlighted a more urgent issue: China. He underlined that the risks posed by China are more significant than those resulting from AI turning into a destructive force. The doomers are concentrating on the wrong risks, in Khosla’s opinion. China is a considerably greater peril to be concerned about than sentient AI eradicating humanity.

Vinod Khosla has the same views as other notable figures in the IT industry, such as Elon Musk, who predicted a prosperous future when he unveiled Tesla’s AI robot, Optimus. According to Musk, if AI—represented by Optimus—could perform manual labor, it might bring about a period of “quasi-infinite” economic opportunities. According to Musk, this translates into a society devoid of poverty where people’s needs for goods and services are abundantly satisfied.

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