What’s new in ChatGPT 4o: How to get started?

The company’s Spring Updates event this week featured the announcement of Open AI’s newest flagship model, ChatGPT 4o. According to the business, GPT 4o has intelligence comparable to GPT 4 but with faster processing speeds and improved text, voice, and vision capabilities.

In summary

– GPT 4o offers many of the same features as the GPT 4 and even more.

– It will be free of charge for all users.

– However, GPT 4o’s free user access comes with a catch.

This week at the Spring Updates event, OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT 4o, their newest flagship product, marking another advancement in artificial intelligence. This model is a better GPT 4 model. According to OpenAI, GPT 4o provides GPT 4-level intelligence, but with faster processing speeds and improved text, voice, and visual capabilities. With the ability to accept any combination of text, voice, image, and video as input and produce any combination of text, audio, and image outputs, OpenAI argues that this version is a step towards far more natural human-computer interaction. The best thing about GPT 4o is that it is free for all users, unlike ChatGPT 4, which is exclusively accessible to those who can afford it. Here is how you may start utilizing the new GPT 4o.

How to get ChatGPT 4o going

GPT 4o is available to all users, meaning both a free and a paid version are available. All you have to do is sign into your account at https://chatgpt.com to experience the free version.

It’s interesting to note that some users’ accounts can still be using GPT 3.5. However, there’s no need to be concerned. The cycle will be refreshed for you in a few hours or days if the drop-down menu is preventing you from accessing the GPT 4o.

As of right now, GPT 4o’s desktop and mobile app releases, as well as the browser version, are happening gradually. According to rumors, the new Mac desktop program is still in the process of being published, and users may not have access to GPT 4o on iOS or Android yet.In the upcoming weeks, OpenAI intends to expand the desktop app’s availability, and a Windows version is anticipated later this year.

Users who select the GPT 4o version will be able to see the differences between the two versions. For example, you can now send files for analysis if you have GPT 4o and are on the free plan. These might be PDFs, movies, or even pictures. After that, you can ask any questions you have about the material.

Issues with ChatGPT 4o

During the Spring Update event, OpenAI proudly demonstrated GPT 4o’s voice and vision capabilities. But a worldwide rollout has not yet occurred. According to reports, these features are currently only available through the API to developers.Although OpenAI has stated that ChatGPT Plus users would soon be able to use the voice features, it is unclear when or if the assistant mode will be made accessible at no cost.

One further issue with ChatGPT 4o was that, after ten to fifteen prompts, the account would revert to GPT 3.5. It implies that you can only submit a small number of inquiries at once. When you hit the limit, you lose access to GPT 4o and are reverted to GPT 3.5 for a few hours, at which point the chatbot resets , and the opportunity to use GPT 4o once more becomes available.

More for you, ChatGPT 4o

Mira Murati, the chief technology officer of OpenAI, stated during the occasion that GPT-4o is 50% less expensive and twice as quick as its predecessors. Users of GPT 4o will essentially have free access to the GPT shop and a million GPTs, including personalized ChatGPTs.

According to Murati, this will enable GPT developers to connect with a wider audience.

Users of ChatGPT 4o will be able to text chat with the AI tools and upload screenshots and documents that include both text and graphics. Up until now, the tool could only be used by paying users to work with photographs and documents; free users could only communicate textually with the AI chatbot. Users of GPT 4o will also get access to Memory, which enables the AI chatbot to recall previous conversations with them, providing a feeling of continuity during conversations.

Over 100 million people are presently using OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI application.

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