Williams & Marshall Strategy: Deciphering the Future to Grow Businesses With Confidence

Gone are the days when people relied only on their savings to ensure their financial security in the future. Savings may not be enough to provide financial security anymore. Investing is the key to securing your future in today’s environment.

The process of investing is not as simple as the process of saving. It comes with numerous risks, and proper guidance must be taken before investing. To solve these problems, Williams & Marshall’s Strategy comes into the picture with its multiple services.

WMStrategy and Its Services 


Williams & Marshall Strategy is a full-service market research and consulting firm with expertise in a wide range of sectors and areas. It presently tracks and covers over 600 product categories and sectors in over 150 countries worldwide. Aside from market research, it also provides other corporate strategy consulting services.

The CEO and the Company

Founder and General Manager, Petar Reshovski, worked in the market research and business consulting industries in Europe for a few years before establishing Williams & Marshall Strategy, his third business. At that time, he gained a good understanding of how the industry operates. Hence, the idea for the company arose easily to help fill in market gaps.

Contribution to Its Industry

WMStrategy’s reports help clients make informed commercial planning and strategic decisions like which product to invest in or develop, what market(s) to enter, and many more. The company thinks of innovation as a continuous and never-ending process and constantly strives  to improve.

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Achievements, Recognitions and Feedback

WM Strategy has worked with clients in over 50 countries, ranging from small family enterprises to Fortune 500 corporations with thousands of employees. Its clients make multi-million dollar decisions based on its data and suggestions. But even after completing modest projects, the company attempts to involve its clients in discussions about the quality of its products and services.

In terms of accolades, The Silicone Review named them one of the “50 Most Innovative Companies To Watch” in the world this year. This year, we’ve been nominated for over ten other accolades, both locally and abroad.

Handling Disputes

Competition with other large companies is the biggest catch. But the most difficult task for a company is to discover, hire, and continuously inspire. In terms of hiring, WMStrategy was initially unable to offer the market’s most competitive salaries. As a result, they had to think outside the box in terms of what they could offer more.

Looking Ahead

WMStrategy wants to be bigger in the coming years, with more completed projects and thousands of new satisfied customers. In terms of the industry as a whole, they expect the next few years to be challenging, defined by the resolution of major global uncertainties and difficulties.


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